About Us
Specialized in providing services to diamond projects, construction of mineral processing plants
- Chromite and iron-chromium recovery plants.
- Coal treatment and preparation plants.
- Pre-concentration and processing plants for copper, zinc, lead, tin and tungsten
- Exploration, processing and recovery of diamonds and gems.
- Gold and silver recovery plants.
- Platinum flotation plants.
- Centrifugal units for iron ore processing and enrichment.
- Tin and tungsten recovery plant.
Providing quality
What we do for you!
Recognized as one of the World's leading Industry
All of our detailed engineering and procurement is carried out in Angola and South Africa.
- Highly Rated & Esteemed
- We are Committed
- Full Satisfaction Guarantee
- Insured and Bonded
- Trusted Professionals
- Quality Service
We work with some of the largest mines in Angola
Luele Project
Lulo Project
Luaximba Project
Lunhinga Project
Kaixepa mine
Milbridge mine